Wednesday, June 13, 2018




1= We all have different business, interests and hobbies.  When you use the social sites, open a
new page for each interest separately.  Do not have a mixed up profile or business page.  People
will fly away.  Do searches for the perfect beautiful banner (pic) and add a little introduction with
text inside of your headline banner when possible.  Use different email addresses where the
business page is the same word as your email address linked to that page.  It is professional.  Use GREAT
photos.  People generally have a short attention span, or they are quick; so use great photos
and a grabbing caption to go with it. Use a personal business photo (logo) to personalize your page also,
whenever possible.  Remember to fill in your hashtags.  Open your page to the public, and
have a warm and welcoming NICHE page in all the social sites!

2= Instagram is the "new" facebook and pinterest!  It can work wonders to start
a profile exclusively for your business or skill.  Here is the stupid easy way to upload your photos to Instagram from a social site post.  Bring up the picture or ad enlarged and take a picture of it with your smartphone camera.  Save to google photos.  Then go to Instagram on your smartphone and load multiple photos and ad copy to your Instagram business page! 
 If by any chance you are on
a laptop or desktop and you cannot load photos from your pc, then here is another good
page that will tell you how to change your page to be "like a smartphone" and then you
get the photo loading feature.  This will work in any other site where you are having
a similar problem.
 Here is the page for instagram business tools.  It is all found under Privacy, funny enough.[0]=368390626577968&bc[1]=8357635165684

3= Do a search for free automatic posting to social sites.
Here is a great tool to use for posting to all your social sites from one spot:  It is a great time saver.
When you make a post, look at the SHARE button in Facebook.  You will see how you can
send the post itself to others' messenger boxes.
CONCERNING FACEBOOK RECENTLY:  Only post to 29 groups per day, 15 minute intervals.  better yet,

post to your own group many times per day and add thousands of people to your group.

4= Get tightly ORGANIZED, for optimal speed!  Open up about four notepads or wordpads.  List
and organize all your information for marketing/sales.  (List your urls (links), your social
site Inbox RESPONSES and requests for info., your polished EMAIL copy for email blasting, your hashTAGS,
your AD copy, your backOFFICE links, and your EMAIL addresses to advertise to.)  Save your files to
documents/notepads, and then SEND them to your desktop.  You can open them and add to them from your desktop
everyday and get your marketing/advertising work done quickly.

5= This site is much more than a backlink creator.  There are 65 tools to rank your SEO.
 You need to sign up but it is free and extremely useful.

6= When you need to add reps to build your business, then remember that you build it one person
at the time.  When you are marketing, then it is important to peak CURIOSITY.  Get people to go
into IM or chat (for More Information, or Learn More) and engage a little conversation.  Ask questions and answer questions.  Have a blog or splash page, then double that with a short video.  They will like to see these things to get more information, instead of reading a lot of dialog.   Keep in mind that when you do get someone to opt in, it would
be really fine if you already have chatted a bit and you may be internet friends for a long time; so treat
them as such from the very beginning.

7==Here is a great keyword tool==
=Here are 26 free online marketing courses==

=Here are MASS PINGER sites to boost your rank for seo daily:

8==Go here and do this for yourself to AVOID FACEBOOK WARNINGS WHEN YOU ARE TRYING TO MARKET

9==Use this page for beautiful HEADERS for your social sites, and even to make ads.  After you
download, use a photo editor to add text and make it your own!

10== Purchasing a custom (.com) domain on Blogger,
for 12.00 per year! via @YouTube

11==Start out by getting serious about your online presence with your business,
 product, or opportunity.  Get a free digital assessment for your url here== 5e8d36eb0302787d9f40bdb4d&esr=card&card=dma_209

12==You can order from a variety of seo services from real virtual assistants to give your
sites a boost, starting from $2.00!

 13==Here are some more great mass pingers to use twice a week!

14== Do you ever get a little lag in your genius creativity? LOL There is always wwwdot postcreator dotcom
 You will use templates, text, shapes and go like a pro!

15==A mass auto submitter to very many of the social sites, that is free and very cheap for the pro, at
9.99 a month.  A massive help with your marketing campaign!  https://www.onlywire.com


16--Facebook is getting stricter with rules and prohibitions concerning groups and group marketing.  I have found that I respond to any LIKE or COMMENT publicly, under the ad, when someone takes notice.  I leave them a little thank you and a note how to get to my landing page, (dotcom)....and they will all see that followup in the upper right of their facebook page….and hopefully take action.


17-- When someone follows you, follow them back! It will boost both of your businesses and optimize your exposure. Thank them for any LIKES under the ad.

18--Here is a free collage and ad maker that is very professional!
This site also makes great LANDING PAGES AND VIDEOS!

19-- In Facebook, place ads in Facebook Marketplace.  Also find a few networking groups.  You cannot insert your link, but if people are interested they will comment for info or message you!  This is extra advertising, besides your business page and your own chosen groups, in facebook.  Again, look out for using the links!  They are really cracking down on that.  I am currently placing my link as text inside of my picture ad, with photo editors.  

20== Here is another free ad and banner maker with an income opportunity also:

21==Make more beautiful video ads for the social sites! This site has great sharing options, to the social sites and YouTube!   Here=

22==This site offers several tools to help you in your marketing, like cloaking urls and stats...….there is an earning opportunity also with some fantastic banners you can use to generate some business on the side!

23==Things change often in  You will probably be prompted to pay for most ads now.  I have found that I can still post a few free ads in this very popular advertising site, if I use the Community//General Community Tab.  I can post an informative helpful paragraph (ad) and send them to a blog page (Learn More Here).  The blog page would be fashioned more like a landing page with go to buttons.  Hopefully you will be pulling in leads from Craigslist again soon, for free.

24==Beautiful professional photos for your ads and landing pages and blogs!  File them and make them yours!

25== Continue using automation to run your ads in many places simultaneously every day; youtube videos, email marketing (collecting new emails), mass pingers, and….

26== Another free website creator, or landing page, is here,   There are professional photos,  go to buttons, video embed, and everything you can imagine, for free or paid membership.

27==Here is some great automation for your classified ads.  Make them go viral every day!  Check it out, and it's cheap!

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